A young and curious boy named This boy had a strange dream. In his dream, he meets a friendly girl named Hexe. Hexe tells him that he has been chosen as the new Hexe. Together, the two will solve the mystery of The Great Hexe and restore balance to the universe. The Great Hexe is a dark force that has terrorized the universe for a long time. To save the universe from destruction, Hexe will inherit the power of The Great Hexe that must be found and trained to become the new Hexe. Here's the problem, this is going to take a lot of hard work. And there is no easy way to train to be a Hexe. However, there is someone who can train you in the art of casting spells. Your parents. If you can make your parents the new Hexe, you will instantly become a hexing master. But that was a big deal, they were normal people. Furthermore, they know nothing about hexing. How can they become the new Hexe? That's where you step in. The goal is to help Hexoboy reach the exit of each level. You can help him get there by jumping over holes, jumping on moving platforms and running fast. Every time you complete a level, you will unlock a new level. It is not clear how you ended up in this mine, but you must find a way out as soon as possible. Explore the mines and collect items that will help you survive and find the fastest way out.
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