Play out the most stunning tricks with your motorbike. Travel through Sky City and leap to the highest point of skyscrapers in Sky City Riders! Insane cyclists are prepared for this current skyscraper's zenith show! ky City Riders will allow you to play out the absolute most astounding tricks known. Bounce from one skyscraper to another in this reproduction and challenge the laws of material science! Put on your head protector and prepare to allow that wrist to accelerate with insane tricks, slopes and reasonable cruiser sounds. Be prepared to follow your brave side. In the event that you complete 10 races on schedule, you can open 10 distinctive bicycle skins. Remember to utilize the NITRO ability to conquer the significant distances! In the event that you gather 30 precious stones in Free Driving mode, you can open "Kaleidoscopic Skins".
Player 1 Move: "ARROW KEYS" Nitro: "LEFT SHIFT" Player 2 Move: "W,A,S,D" Nitro: "N" Level Restart: "R" Change the Camera: "C"